
Below is a list of the contributors who participated in the Artists of Color Timelines workshops in 2015.

Todd Ayoung

Originally born in Trinidad and Tobago, W.I., and educated in the United States,Todd Ayoung  is an artist specializing in two and three-dimensional artwork ( He was a founding member of REPOhistory, On the steering committee of Godzilla, an Asian Pacific Islander Artist Network, Project member for the “Progress Wall,” New Haven, CT, for Interim Sites, An Urban Arts Initiative and currently a founder of Alien Abduction Collective, NY.

Gabriela Ceja

Mexico City, 1980
Artist, researcher and educator. She investigates the impact of labor in social psyche by exploring working environments and amplifying voices of people whose life paths are deeply affected by classism, racism, exploitation and alienation. Born in Mexico City, she investigated the situation of indigenous people who move into the city to work in construction companies. She has explored places and lives of workers from JFK Airport, Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, Wall Street and others, reflecting on work, economy, immigration, consumerism, leisure and many other social dynamics. Believing that art and education are tools for social change, she designs programs that expand the limits of disciplines, institutions and publics. She currently designs the Worker´s Art Workshop (WAW) a program that uses art strategies to provoke de-alienated experiences for the working class.

Fran Ilich

Fran Ilich is a media artist, essayist and novelist. He is the author of the novels Metro-pop, Tekno Guerrilla, Circa 94 ( winner of the 2010 Frontera de Palabras Border of Words award), and the book-length essay “Otra Narrativa es Posible”. He has participated in Berlinale Talent Campus, Transmediale, ARCO, Documenta 12 and 13, and has shown at the Walker Art Center, Creative Time exhibition, Antídoto and the EZLN’s Festival Mundial de la Digna Rabia. He was a fellow at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center and A Blade of Grass. He studied the M.A. in Media Art Histories at Donau-Universität Krems. In Mexico City he was Editor-at-Large for Sputnik Cultura Digital magazine and worked as a researcher at Centro Multimedia; and he directed seminars on narrative media for the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía in Sevilla, as well as was an organizer for the Otra Cultura Zapatista. He currently works as a lecturer in University of California Literature Department.

Lorenzo Raymond

Lorenzo Raymond is an independent historian and educator living in NYC.  He has contributed to The New Inquiry as well as the New York Year Zero website. He blogs at