Our Oppressions Are Connected – Opening (Virtual)


** RSVP REQUIRED: Zoom Registration Link Below **

Documents of Resistance—Our Oppressions are Connected
September 18–October 18, 2020
New York, NY

Opening Friday, September 18
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM NYC/EST (GMT -4:00)

Exhibition • Discussions • Archive in Exile

You are invited to the virtual opening of Documents of Resistance—Our Oppressions are Connected on Friday, September 18, from 6 to 9 PM. Our Oppressions Are Connected, the sixth iteration of Documents of Resistance, will focus on expanding content and context of the Third World Liberation Front Strikes (San Francisco State College 1968-9; University of California Berkeley 1969), and Detroit’s Revolutionary Black Workers Movement which happened around the same time, 1968-1969. Central to this iteration are 2 new densly packed photographs and 1 photo triptych from which the name of the exhibition originates: Our Oppressions Are Connected, also known as ‘Chain Pieces’. These new artworks will be used as departure points for conversations and visual explorations with invited guest (To be Announced)—as Documents of Resistances aims to find connections between the past and present—in other words—looking back in order to move forward in the struggle against racial oppression, in all aspects of society.

Documents of Resistance—Archive in Exile
This new installment of Document of Resistance will include the launch of the Archive in Exile, which will focus on expanding awareness of documents produced by communities of color in the struggle against racism and as a celebration of free cultural expression. The Archive in Exile will include an onsite archiving station and an digital repository and database.

Zoom Registration: Closed (Event Passed)
Facebook Event Page: facebook.com/events/336645521022702

Documents of Resistance—Our Oppressions Are Connected is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council